
Django Site Utils provides the following management commands for performing site-wide administrative actions.


site_cleanup runs a customizable list of cleanup functions that can help to remove stale database content. Refer to SITE_CLEANUP_FUNCTIONS in Settings for the list of functions that will be run.


The site_config command updates the Sites model provided by the django.contrib.sites app. It can be used by deployment scripts to update the database to reflect the domain(s) where project has been deployed, for example:

python site_config -n "Dev Site" -d ""


The site_error_page command generates error pages using the site’s theme and customizable templates. These error page files can be used by a frontend web server (e.g. apache or nginx) to display errors outside of the Django application while maintaining the look and feel of the Django site. For example, the following command generates 404.html and 500.html files:

python site_error_page --dest /path/to/webroot/ 404 500

For customization of the error messages and templates, refer to the SITE_ERROR_MESSAGES and SITE_ERROR_TEMPLATES settings under Settings.


The site_notify command can be used to email users listed in the ADMINS or MANAGERS settings or any users in the database based on their is_staff or is_superuser status. The subject and body of the notification are provided via the command line options, and the templates used to render the message may be overridden for further customization.

For example, to notify ADMINS when a new version of the site is running:

python site_notify --admins "Site Updated" "Site is now running commit abcdef on branch devel"

Or to notify all staff users of upcoming site maintenance:

python site_notify --staff "Upcoming Maintenance" "The site will be down for maintenance on YYYY/MM/DD from 2:00-3:00 AM"

Refer to the SITE_NOTIFY_DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS, SITE_NOTIFY_BODY_TEMPLATE and SITE_NOTIFY_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE settings in Settings to further customize notification defaults.


The site_update command runs multiple management commands together, allowing for different named groups of commands. For example, running the following command will run check, migrate --fake-initial and collectstatic in order:

python site_update

Refer to the SITE_UPDATE_COMMANDS setting in Settings to customize the default commands or define new groups of commands.