
The default values for all settings below can be imported from site_utils.defaults if needed to combine or merge with custom settings. Settings that are dictionaries (e.g. SITE_UPDATE_COMMANDS and SITE_ERROR_MESSAGES) will be automatically merged with default settings.


This setting is a list or tuple of functions that are executed for the site_cleanup command.

Its default value is:



This setting specifies the default recipients for a site notification when none are explicitly given via command line arguments.

The default value for this setting is:



This setting specifies a template for rendering the body of a site notification message. It can be overridden by the --body-template option to the site_notify command.

Its default value is:

SITE_NOTIFY_BODY_TEMPLATE = 'site_utils/site_notify_body.txt'


This setting specifies a template for rendering the subject of a site notification message. It can be overridden by the --subject-template option to the site_notify command.

Its default value is:

SITE_NOTIFY_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE = 'site_utils/site_notify_subject.txt'


Each dictionary key in SITE_UPDATE_COMMANDS defines the name for a group of commands that can be run together. The "default" named group will be used when the site_update command is invoked without any additional arguments.

Each dictionary value is a list of management commands to be run in order. If a command is provided as a string, it is run unconditionally with its default options. If a command is provided instead as a tuple:

* The first item is the command name.
* The second item is a list or tuple of positional arguments.
* The third item is a dictionary of keyword arguments, which represent any
  command line flags that would be passed to the command. In most cases, a
  flag such as ``--optional-parameter`` would be represented as
  ``optional_parameter`` when used as a keyword argument.
* The fourth item specifies an app that must be installed in order for the
  command to run. Otherwise, the command is skipped.

The default value for this setting is:

    'default': [
        ('migrate, (), {'fake_initial': True}),
        ('collectstatic', (), {}, 'staticfiles'),


The SITE_ERROR_MESSAGES setting defines default error messages to use when rendering the built-in error handler views or when generating static error pages.

The key for each item is the HTTP response status code, and the value is a two-tuple defining the title and body displayed on the error page. Additional status codes defined in your own settings will be merged with the default messages.

The default error messages defined are:

    400: (
        _('Bad Request'),
        _('The request could not be understood by the server.'),
    403: (
        _('You do not have permission to access the requested resource.'),
    404: (
        _('Not Found'),
        _('The requested page could not be found.'),
    500: (
        _('Server Error'),
        _('An internal server error has occurred.'),
    502: (
        _('Bad Gateway'),
        _('An invalid response was received from the upstream server.'),
    503: (
        _('Server Unavailable'),
        _('The server is currently unavailable.'),
    504: (
        _('Gateway Timeout'),
        _('Did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.'),


The SITE_ERROR_TEMPLATES setting is a list of two-tuples to allow customization of the templates used to render error pages, enabling different templates to be used for different sections of the site.

The first item in the two-tuple is a regular expression that will be matched against the request path (the regular expression should not include a leading forward slash '/'). If the expression matches, the second item in the two-tuple refers to the template path to be used to render the error page.

If no regular expressions match, the default template 'site_utils/error.html' will be used.

The default value is:

    (r'', 'site_utils/error.html'),


This setting is a list or tuple of functions that are executed once the Django models have been populated (via the AppConfig.ready() method). These functions can be used to monkeypatch Django or other libraries or to perform other project initialization.

Its default value is:


Refer to Patches for more details on the available patch functions.